Sunday, October 18, 2009

Professor Dick

Since the last entry, A and I decided to talk less.  So far, there has only been one text message exchange. I told him I had his sweater and he told me he ran into a mutual friend of hours while with the new girlfriend.  I'm not sure why I need to know that.  But that is the reason we shouldn't talk much--neither of us needs to know everything about one another's lives.

On Tuesday, I'm going to Los Angeles.  AL is in Los Angeles now.  If we hadn't broken up, we'd planned to see each other during the week.  That not happening is making me a bit a sad.  What is even sadder is that I have not much else to say about AL.  I remember thinking that I was smitten. But I guess I really wasn't.  That is more disappointing to me than the break up.

I was looking forward to going to LA until this morning. Now I'm worried that my mother will be too high strung and that I will get resentful.

The fall seems never to have happened at all.  It's in the 30s and 40s in New York, too cold for mid October.

It's strange that I've never mentioned this before (or have I?) given how much it's been bothering me.  I have a kind of stalker.  A benevolent stalker.  I met this man through A.  He is an English professor, in his 70s and an aspiring novelist.  Today he has called me three times.  He invited me to have Thanksgiving with him and his wife.  He wants to talk to me all the time.  I never answer the phone anymore when it's him, communication mostly by email.  I'm not sure what he wants from me or what he gets from me.  I don't know how to make him going away without hurting his feelings.

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